Friday, March 25, 2011

What is special about Mount Fuji?

Mount Fuji is also like other mountains in Japan, regarded as having its own soul. While many objects in nature, like the trees and streams, can be worshipped in Shintoism, mountains are naturally the most prominent. Since Mount Fuji is so visible, it's the most important mountain-diety. Thousands of people climb Mount Fuji on special days, e.g. New Year's Day, to pray for good fortune, etc. However, on the flip side, it's also a very popular suicide location.

Mount Fuji is the heart of japan
At 3,776 meters, Mount Fuji is also the highest point in Japan, and it is a volcano with a distinctive conical shape that stands out spectacularly from the surrounding landscape. If you are lucky, you can get a great view of it from an airplane as you are coming into the country. Mount Fuji is always crowned with a magnificent view of snow. It is estimated that 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year. Mount Fuji is the symbol of Japan.

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